Monday, April 27, 2015

My Family In A NutsHell

In the beginning,,,

We all come into this life surrounded by what we call FAMILY


Family is one of the great treasures in life, Family is ALL you have, You can't chose your Family
These are all statements we hear throughout our lives but, is family, REALLY all we have? Are we destined from the moment we come into this world to conform to the genetics that have been so intricately designed for us? What does one do when they are raised in a life of constant chaos? A life surrounded by mental illness and the lack of understanding of what family is truly about. What do you do when God puts you in a situation that makes you feel that, crazy, is your destination in the world and that crazy is normal and normal is crazy ? Well, I for one, decided that just because i was born into a crazy family doesn't mean i am destined to be "crazy". Many years later, many prayers later and many trips to a shrink later, i have beaten the odds. Yes i may have been born with mental illness and yes i may have lived in the constant struggles surrounding my mentally ill family but, i have persevered and was driven to make a better life for me and my future genetic offspring. i have proven that just because your genes say one thing doesn't mean your mind can't control who you strive to be.